I saw a shirt for $97. I borrowed $50 from Mom and $50 from Dad. I bought the shirt with $3 of change. I gave $1 to Mom, $1 to Dad, and kept $1 for myself. Now I owe my mom $49 and my dad $49. $49 + $49 = $98 + my $1 = $99.


2 Jan 2019 Apparently this version of the missing dollar riddle is going viral right The shirt costs 97 dollars plus the 1 dollar you have makes 98 dollars.

g 1986. grattis 1986. kollar 1980. kär 1978 shirt 157. shaun 157. eleverna 156. misshandel 156.

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100 = 97 shirt + 1 dollar you kept + 2 dollars you paid parents On your credit side you have a $97 shirt and $1, which equals $98. You can't add the $1 credit in your pocket to the $98 you owe. OR - to think about it differently, you have PROFITED $98 ($97 shirt and $1), and your parents each contributed half. 2 x $49=$97 + $1.

2011-08-10 · Not like that but why does it not add to $100 dollars the way i have panned it out. There's has to be a way of figuring out where the dollar has gone in the way i re added up the total value, this is a riddle not a time to be serious, i KNOW that the 97 dollar shirt + the 3 left over = 100 .. I want to figure out the riddle. It's driving me crazy.

I saw a shirt for $97. I borrowed $50 from Mom and $50 from Dad. I bought the shirt with $3 of change. I gave $1 to Mom, $1 to Dad, and kept $1 for myself.

97 dollar shirt riddle

Question 623794: You saw a shirt for $ 97. U didn't have the money to buy it so u borrowed 50 from your mom and 50 from your dad = 100. You bout the shirt and had $3 change. You gave your mon $1 and your dad $1 and kept a dollar for your self now you owe them each $49. $49 +49 = 98 + your $1 = $99.

By subtracting that dollar from the 98 dollar figure you will have the original 97 dollar cost of the shirt. they get their money back and you are left with a deficit of 97 dollars which is the price of the shirt. the 1 dollar that you have left is not related to what you owe them. 3 dollars is the difference between what you paid for the shirt and what you had in your pocket at the beginning which was the 100 dollars they lent you. £97 Shirt Riddle, 97 pound shirt riddle answer is the latest math puzzle trending online on social media. The riddle says “You see a £97 shirt, but don’t have any cash, so you borrow £50 from your mum & £50 from your dad = £100.

97 dollar shirt riddle

This $98 should correspond to the $97 (for the shirt) plus the $1 that you have with you. 2012-01-25 2011-08-10 2011-09-13 What is £97 shirt riddle. In £ 97 shirt riddle, a mathematical problem is given where people need to find the answer with the help of the clues given. In this latest math puzzle, the clues given seem very easy at first sight, but they are tricky in the way they are written. People get confused and end up giving the wrong answer.
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97 dollar shirt riddle

U didn't have the money to buy it so u borrowed 50 from your mom and 50 from your dad = 100 .

Understanding the observed. 102.
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(97, 98). These are the next pair of consecutive numbers where the last letter of the first one is (a) Pop stars: (Dollar) – (50 Cent) = 50 Cent = Curtis Jackson.

The manager says the bill is $30, so each guest pays $10. You see a shirt for £97, you can't afford it so u borrow £50 from your mum and £50 from your dad which equals £100. You buy the shirt and get £3 change so you give your dad £1 and your mum £1 back and you keep the other pound.

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Question 476537: U see a shirt worth $97. Since u dont have cash, you borrow $50 from your mom n $50 from your Dad, So u have $100. Since the shirt is $97 u have $3 left, U return $1 to your Mom n $1 to ur Dad n u left with $1 for yourself. Now u owe your parents $49 each. 49+49=98 + 1 = $99.

Kalaset gick på 12 000 portugisiska dollar, men det var det värt. 21.35, 22/6-97 Sitter i Börjes dova dunkel, som äntligen verkar ha sövt ner Bello i en Jag sitter här efter en mycket trevlig studentskiva och lyssnar på “The riddle“. The segment’s loss plunged 97 percent to $104 million, from $3.55 billion a US dollars lipitor Tuesday’s practice, but he was wearing only shorts, a T-shirt and skates.