CINAHL Complete. Most comprehensive database of full-text for nursing & allied health journals from 1937 to present. Includes access to scholarly journal 


Cinahl Plus with Full Text. Omfattande databas för hälso- och sjukvårdsområdet. Ger referenser och i många fall även fulltext till artiklar inom ämnesområden som omvårdnad, arbetsterapi, biomedicin, audiologi, alternativa behandlingsformer, logopedi, fysioterapi mm.

1. Skillnader i kvinnors livskvalitet efter  I CIAO finns bland annat publikationer från akademiska institutioner, forskningsinstitut och NGO:s. CINAHL  2014-okt-21 - Denna pin hittades av Medicinska bibliotek -Medical . Hitta (och spara!) dina egna pins på Pinterest. CINAHL database searching, adolescents. Cinahl Search picture.

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Coverage Dates: 1937 - present. Provider: EBSCOhost. Access: In- library  Content. Nursing and Allied Health journal articles and dissertations. Includes: Emergency Services; Medical/Laboratory Technology; Medical Records; Nutrition &  CINAHL Complete.

CINAHL provided the majority of relevant articles for the second search, on computers and privacy, but inclusion of MEDLINE and EMBASE enhanced retrieval somewhat. The search on substance abuse in pregnancy, not restricted to nursing literature, retrieved better …

Tillgänglig endast via nätverket Eduroam eller via VPN. CINAHL with full text is an Ebsco database that provides indexing for several thousand journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. CINAHL covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines.


CINAHL provided the majority of relevant articles for the second search, on computers and privacy, but inclusion of MEDLINE and EMBASE enhanced retrieval somewhat. The search on substance abuse in pregnancy, not restricted to nursing literature, retrieved better …

They contain the latest topics on patient care and drug administration and are included in CINAHL at no additional charge.


2020-08-17 Background: The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) is generally thought to be a good source to search when conducting a review of qualitative evidence. Case studies have suggested that using CINAHL could be essential for reviews of qualitative studies covering topics in the nursing field, but it is unclear whether this can be extended more generally to reviews of Cinahl Plus with Full Text.
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2020-08-17 Background: The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) is generally thought to be a good source to search when conducting a review of qualitative evidence. Case studies have suggested that using CINAHL could be essential for reviews of qualitative studies covering topics in the nursing field, but it is unclear whether this can be extended more generally to reviews of Cinahl Plus with Full Text. Omfattande databas för hälso- och sjukvårdsområdet. Ger referenser och i många fall även fulltext till artiklar inom ämnesområden som omvårdnad, arbetsterapi, biomedicin, audiologi, alternativa behandlingsformer, logopedi, fysioterapi mm.

Hitta en vetenskaplig artikel i CINAHL p mdh.​se. 2.
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CINAHL also contains the full text of more than 750 journals, instantly available at the click of a mouse. CINAHL offers access to health care books, nursing dissertations, educational software and audivisuals, as well as evidence-based care sheets.

This database provides indexing for more  CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Database name starts with: Description: Indexes majority of English-language nursing journals including publications from state  Ladda ner Ebscohost appen; Öppna Cinahl; Scrolla längst ner och klicka på EBSCOhost iPhone and Android Applications; Fyll i din e-post för att få ett mejl med  9 okt. 2019 — Cinahl. Databas för tidskrifter inom omvårdnad, sjukgymnastik, arbetsterapi och närbesläktade ämnesområden.

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Mappningsfunktionen föreslår Lung. Neoplasms istället för lung cancer. Klicka i rutan framför den sökterm du väljer. Du får nu fram en ljusblå lista med 

Länkar finns till flera fulltextdatabaser. Tidsomfång: 1982- CINAHL (Cumulated Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) är en central databas för ämnet omvårdnad men inkluderar även sjukgymnastik och arbetsterapi. Innehåller referenser till artiklar i c:a 3 000 tidskrifter från 1981 och framåt. Man kan också hitta avhandlingar och en del böcker inom området.